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Jeevan Diesels

Company Profile

JEEVAN DIESELS & ELECTRICALS LTD. (JDEL) is established in 1978 is one of the largest independent generating set manufacturer in Asia. In the years since its beginning with continuous focus on product development and quality management the company has been steadily growing the reputation of producing continuous excellence in product design & manufacturing. Today JDEL has become a reliable source for world class technology oriented products in the area of Power Generation together with the flexibility to provide custom built designs at short notice. We can provide different combinations of Engine Alternator & other components to suit the customer requirements. Gensets are powered by Perkins Cummins Mahindra engines amongst others all conforming to BS 5514 and coupled to Stamford / Leroy Somer alternators. The units include off the shelf or specially constructed to be transportable trolley mounted canopied and soundproofed sets. The comprehensive JDEL range of standard gensets suit most applications.
State of the art manufacturing units strategically located at PONDICHERRY
( NEAR PORT OF CHENNAI) & SILVASSA (NEAR PORT OF BOMBAY) with the below mentioned modern equipments supported by more than 200 dedicated skilled labourers / professional engineers has made possible the achievement of
high quality work & products the flexibility to tailor our products to customer satisfication.
Computerized Numeric Control ( CNC) machines for steel fabrication.
Computer Aided Design ( CAD software ) for designing the product.
Automated chain conveyor electrostatic powder coating plant.
7 stage chemical processing before painting the fabricated units.
15 Testing points Pre-Despatch ensures trouble free product to the end users.


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Kolkata, West Bengal

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